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Statement from the Chairman & CEO

Some of you may already be aware of the press conference staged by my fellow Commissioners of the National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC), a few days ago, where they publicly moved for my resignation as Chairperson and CEO of the Commission. This was something that I did not see forthcoming, thus, I was appalled and quite stunned, especially at a time when my schedules were packed with activities, primarily focused on NCSC'S responsibilities and obligations to the Seniors of our country, as well as our respective duties and responsibilities.

My initial reaction to the allegations made by the Commissioners during the presscon was to look back and made a thorough review on how things rolled out in terms of procedures and implementations based on the Implementing Rules and Guidelines. Our Commission meetings and discussions have always been collective, objective, and productive. But their allegations pointed otherwise. Secondly, being a lawyer, I immediately thought of the provision of the law regarding unseating a chairperson by a majority of the Commissioners. The proceedings of the meeting prior to the press conference clearly shows how the Commissioners involved, thought that the law actually provides that.


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